What is the Initial Preventive Physical Examination (IPPE)?

Within your first 12 months of enrolling in Medicare Part B, you are eligible for the Initial Preventive Physical Examination (IPPE), covered by Medicare.

During this comprehensive session we:

  • Review your medical and social history. You will complete a health history questionnaire, including current medications, past medical history, and family health history.
  • Review your potential depression risk factors.
  • Review your functional ability and safety level i.e.: ability to perform activities of daily living (ADL), fall risk, cognitive screening, etc.
  • Vital signs such as height, weight, vision, blood pressure, and BMI will be measured. Dietary habits and activity levels will also be reviewed.
  • Depending on your health history, selective body system examinations may be conducted.
  • Discussion of advance directives will be encouraged, if not already in place.
  • Education on recommended screening, tests, and a preventive care plan may be provided.
  • A once-in-a-lifetime screening electrocardiogram (ECG), as appropriate.

What is the Annual Wellness Visit (AWV)?

Following your Initial Preventive Physical Exam (IPPE), Medicare highly recommends you have an Annual Wellness Visit (AWV) to update your prevention plan. This visit involves a health risk assessment and personalized prevention plan review but does not include physical examination or specific screenings. This visit is covered by Medicare, with no copay required. However, any labs or diagnostic imaging carried out during this visit may incur a copay.

During this comprehensive session:

  • Review your medical and social history. You will complete a health history questionnaire, also known as Health Risk Assessment, which will include current medications, past medical history, and family health history.
  • Review your potential depression risk factors.
  • Review your functional ability and safety level including your ability to perform activities of daily living (ADL), fall risk, cognitive screening, etc.
  • Vital signs such as height, weight, vision, blood pressure, and BMI will be checked. Dietary habits and activity levels will also be reviewed.
  • Depending on your health history, selective body system examinations may be conducted.
  • Discussion of advance directives will be encouraged, if not already in place.
  • Education on recommended screening tests and a preventive care plan may be provided.

What is the Annual Physical Examination?

The Annual Physical Exam, commonly known as the routine annual physical is an exam performed without relationship to treatment or diagnosis for a specific illness, symptom, complaint, or injury.

  • This examination typically involves drawing blood to assess cholesterol levels and monitor vital signs.
  • Your provider will conduct a thorough review of various body systems, including the heart, lungs, head, neck, and abdomen.
  • Neurological assessments, reflex checks, and evaluations for any abnormalities are also included.

The Annual Physical Exam is NOT COVERED under Traditional Medicare.
However, if you’ve opted for a commercial Medicare Advantage plan, the Annual Physical Exam may be included as a covered benefit.

Schedule Your Appointment

Call (214) 826-2151 option 3 
Go to the Healow app 


Family Medicine 
Internal Medicine
Monday – Friday: 7:45 am – 4 pm 

Urgent Care
Monday – Saturday: 7:30 am – 9 pm
Sunday: 7:30 am – 6 pm  

Acorn Pharmacy
Monday – Friday: 8:30 am – 6 pm
Saturday: 9 am – 3 pm